Jevion Lewis

Sending his nacked shower pics around on cord

and having no shame in what he posts

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Scott Everett Manwarren

Scott Everett Manwarren has been put on doxbin for raping his daughter and he should have thought of what he Had done but he didn't think so he rapidly raped his daughter

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Harry French

in his words the next generation of doxers

Considering this guy has no clue about anything

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So this is given a 17 yr old pedo

That watches CP on discord and sends it to him and his mates

hes a weirdo and a creep

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Timothy Williams
Timothy Williams

Reason For Dox was trying to Extort Minors and sending nudes to a girl who is underage and requesting images of her

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Sasha Lambourne
Sasha Lambourne

this is a story about the teacher that likes to sleep with minors and lead them to her house and buy them expensive gifts for sleeping with her

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Jason Renzlow

this is jason a notorious pedo on discord that used to Extort and rat minors to gather thier address or billing information and would show up to the victims house

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Levi Joe Pruitt

Being A Bitch online and scamming people for money

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Dasan Ashford

Dasan Ashford he claim to swat and he was also claiming to dox people people for fun on he is pronounced as a skid/larp on he cant dox or swat hes harmless so dont let him harm you

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Chace Mackenzie

Chace Mackenzie is a discord packer that likes to talk shit in a server vc and he claims he steals social media accounts when he skids/larps script codes and he also thinks he harmful

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